Community College Two-year Coed Regionally Accredited North Central Association of Colleges and Schools Percent applicants admitted:Not reported 学制 Quarter 可授予学位 Certificate Diploma Associate 其他特点 Extensive adult and continuing education programs, both credit and noncredit. Additional campuses in Be...
Like many of the nondestructive testing (NDT) programs that developed in the mid to late 1970s, the NDT program at Southeast Community College (Milford Campus, Milford, Nebraska) began in response to local and regional industry needs. The demand for qualified entry level technicians capable of ...
Thank you for your interest in working at Southeast Community College. SCC is a two-year institution of higher education serving a 15-county area in southeast Nebraska. The College operates full-service campuses in Beatrice, Lincoln and Milford, as well as learning centers in Falls City, Hebron...
The Southeast Community College Women’s Basketball team began their season at the beginning of November, and head coach Lynn Schlake hopes to lead the team to National Tournament. Lynn... SCC Celebrating National Girls & Women in Sports Day ...
Southeast Community College values the opportunity to provide quality applied technology, academic, and continuing educational opportunities for the students, businesses and communities or our district. SCC is in the top 10% of the Nation's 1200 Communit
SESA hosts various youth and adult leagues throughout the year. The leagues offer playing options for all players in the area regardless of season or player ability. In our mission to grow the passion for soccer in our community, we acknowledge that providing affordable programs throughout the ...
Carl Robinson was a green-at-the-gills 21-year-old college student when he arrived in Vietnam in 1964 and found work with the US Agency for International Development (USAID). By the time he was ordered to leave (one day before Vin Vu), he was 32, an Associated Press war correspondent...
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Each MBA Fellow is competitively selected from the MBA programs at Emory University's Goizueta Business School and Scheller College of Business at the Georgia Institute of Technology.Each Fellow receives: Hands-on experience in venture capital: identifying, interviewing and processing technology growth st...