both generalist and specialist knowledge about Southeast Asia become critical to the world and the region itself. In that sense, Southeast Asian studies as a knowledge construct transforms itself into a lived reality, especially for the Southeast Asians themselves. This knowledge, therefore, becomes in...
The buying habits and preferences of affluent Southeast Asians can be quite nuanced and often don’t follow expectations. Plenty of the region’s nouveau riche spend ostentatiously. But most are like James: they buy premium and luxury products and care about the status they convey, but these co...
SOUTH AsiansThe Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) is a widely used self‐report instrument to screen for postpartum depression (PPD). Assessing the relevance of the EPDS as a screening tool for minority ethnic populations is pertinent for ensuring culturally appropriate care. This scoping ...
In this post specifically, I will focus on the Indian traders who imbued the fore bearers of millions of today’s Southeast Asians with the hallmarks of their cultures: written language, cuisine, dance, architecture, religion. Over the past two millennia, these all have combined to create a ...
Oakland had always had tons of Chinese people, but these new Asians were a different breed; we didn’t really know much about them. It’s a funny thing to grow up around immigrant communities, because you get these whiffs of a culture. It’s different, a culture in diaspora; every...
(Ref: Relationship Abroad) CI: 0.29–1.98 0.22–1.46 0.44–2.98 Relationship in Israel OR: 0.93 1.1 0.78 CI: 0.30–2.87 0.36–3.39 0.25–2.44 Parental Status Non-Parents OR: 2.51 1.23 1.74 (Ref: Parents) CI: 1.02–6.18 0.50–3.02 0.70–4.33 Living Arrangement (Ref: Full-time with employe...