Southeast Asia is a group of diverse countries between the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean, featuring indigenous cultures influenced by Indian, Chinese and Western culture. The region includes the most populous Muslim country in the world, very promin
Between the girlie bars (closed for the holiday) and the excellent Indian restaurants (Simon’s Tandoorhad the bestnavaratam kormaI’ve found in Southeast Asia), I discovered an expat-owned new-and-used bookstore. I was delighted to snare the most recent “Jack Reacher” thriller: I had b...
After a difficult few years, an element of normality has returned to travel in Southeast Asia as backpackers once again flock to the region’s infamous “banana pancake trail”. Below you will find an extensive Southeast Asia backpacking route featuring the best of Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Viet...
After a difficult few years, an element of normality has returned to travel in Southeast Asia as backpackers once again flock to the region’s infamous “banana pancake trail”. Below you will find an extensive Southeast Asia backpacking route featuring the best of Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Viet...
Southeast Asia’s landscape is characterized by three intermingled physical elements: mountain ranges, plains and plateaus, and water in the form of both shallow seas and extensive drainage systems. Of these, the rivers probably have been of the greatest historical and cultural significance, for ...
Bangkok is the hub of travel activity in Southeast Asia. You can get anywhere you want from here. Though I hated it at first, the more I’ve spent time here the more I love it. Bangkok is like an onion whose many layers need to be peeled back. Some things not to miss include the...
Best Beaches in Southeast Asia – Best beaches in East Timor Best beaches in East what? Most people have never even heard of East Timor, also known by its original name, Timor Leste due to its Portuguese colonial past. If you can’t place East Timor on the map, don’t worry, you ...
The mainland states have been situated primarily in the fertile river valleys of the Irrawaddy, Chao Phraya, Mekong, and Red Rivers. The latter two rivers in particular link the areas of contemporary Southern China, especially Yunnan province, to mainland Southeast Asia. In recent years, a new ...
2016. Fisheries of the rivers of Southeast Asia. Pages 363-376 in J. F. Craig, editor. Freshwater fisheries ecology. John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, UK.Welcomme, R.L., Baird, I.G., Dudgeon, D., Halls, A., Lamberts, D., Mustafa, M.G., 2016. Fisheries of the rivers of ...
Location: Southeast Asia, Asia View on OpenStreetMapLatitude of center12.68° or 12° 40' 48" north Longitude of center105° east Population14,100,000 Area181,040 km² (69,900 miles²) Elevation37 metres (121 feet) CapitalPhnom Penh CurrencyRiels (KHR) Phone Internet do...