❷ MSc Finance and Economics更名为MSc Economics and Finance,录取要求不变,目前申请依然开放。 Ulster University ★ Ulster University奥斯特大学专升硕项目名称更新 由于学校希望区别于常规国际商务的硕士课程,Ulster University奥斯特大学特...
专业:International Entrepreneurship and Management (MSc)专业排名:301-350学校官网:https://www.southampton.ac.uk/courses/international-entrepreneurship-and-management-masters-msc 学费:£24,060语言要求:IELTS 6.5整体分数,其中阅读和写作需达到6.5,听力和口语达到6.0所属部门:Business School认证:AACSB...
MSc Business Strategy and Innovation Management MSc Digital Strategy and Information Systems MSc International Entrepreneurship and Management MSc Actuarial Science 学生可以考虑转到人文学硕士预科方向,完成后衔接硕士专业MSc Sustainability 或者转到雷丁大学商学院硕士预科: MSc International Business and Finance MSc Ma...
•BA (Hons) Business with Marketing TOP UP (大三入学) •BA (Hons) Accounting and Financial Management TOP UP (大三入学) •BSc (Hons) International Tourism and Hospitality Management TOP UP (大三入学) 研究生: •...
Southampton Business School 学院官网 学院项目 MSc International Management 基本信息 学分暂无 项目时长暂无 学费估算暂无 GMAT Code暂无 托福/GRE Code暂无 申请截止日期 秋季 申请信息 项目官网 查看该项目详情 MSc in International Entrepreneurship and Management Project Management (MSc) MSc...
MSc Business and Heritage Management 商业与遗产管理 MA Cultural Heritage Studies 文化遗产研究 MSc Higher Archaeological Practice 高级考古实践 专业设置可能每年有所变动,以南安普顿大学官网信息为准,详情请见: https://www.southampton.ac.uk/about/faculties-schools-departments 七、申请流程 (一)申请须知 1.请...
MSC Cruises Marella Cruises Norwegian Cruise Line Oceania Cruises P&O Cruises Princess Cruises Quark Expeditions Regent Seven Seas Cruises Riviera Travel Royal Caribbean International Scenic Eclipse Cruises SeaDream Yacht Club Seabourn Silversea Cruises Star Clippers Viking Ocean Cruises Virgin Voyages Windstar ...
Whether it’s cruises from Southampton you’re looking for; or a fly cruise to Asia, combined with an escorted tour and hotel, we’ve got all you’ll need. We have relationships with all major cruise lines includingP&O Cruises,Princess Cruises,Cunard,MSC Cruises,Royal Caribbean&Celebrity Cruis...
埃塞克斯大学该专业于2023年1月16日截止申请。 MSc Speech and Language Therapy 七、University of South Wales 英国南威尔士大学 英国南威尔士大学2023年9月提供两门线上课程,如下: BA International Business (Top Up) BSc Banking, Finance and Investment (Top Up)...
8532 MSc International Entrepreneurship and Management8533 MSc International Financial Markets8534 MSc International Management8535 MSc Logistics and Supply Chain Analytics8536 MSc Marketing Analytics8537 MSc Marketing Management2.Faculty of Arts & Humanities 29 March 2023 (12.00pm UK time)截止提醒 (对中国...