ˌsouthˈwesternmostadj Southwest (ˌsaʊθˈwɛst) n (Placename)the Southwestthe southwestern part of Britain, esp Cornwall, Devon, and Somerset Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, ...
1. Working together, rail companies will invest more than £425 million in the region's railway by April 2019. 2. The plan will deliver 150 new jobs, 25 new apprenticeships and space for 40,000 more rush hour customers. 3. Part of the national plan for Britain's railway which was ...
we all know about Boebert, the epically nitwit Congressperson/former escort (or maybe not)from western Colorado. But the Noem story has received far less traction, possibly because The Daily Mail, Britain’s highest circulation paper, doesn’t exactly compare with the New York Times in...
Spend your days travelling on one of Australia’s greatest rail journeys that will take you across the country. Working aboard the Ghan, your average work week could see you darting between Adelaide and Darwin or Adelaide and Perth. These train trips will see you traversing some of the hardest...
CHINESE TECH DRAGONS FIRE UP INNOVATION China is shrugging off its reputation for copying Western technology and is fast becoming a nation of innovators, with a new generation of tech entrepreneurs set to take the world by storm. C hina may be the world's second-largest econ- omy, but when...
2020, April 03Port of South Louisiana to Commemorate Fifth Annual Western Hemisphere ‘Ports Day’ 2020, March 30 from WWL RADIONewell: Some good economic news coming from Louisiana ports…[ MORE ] 2020, March 25 from UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND DEVELOPMENTCoronavirus: Let’s keep ...
Even bug experts don't know much about the Blue Ghost Fireflies that populate the western environs of North Carolina, particularly in the wooded areas of the Appalachian Mountains. But one thing's for sure: The bluish color of their "glow" is unusual among creatures that exhibit bioluminescence...
Even bug experts don't know much about the Blue Ghost Fireflies that populate the western environs of North Carolina, particularly in the wooded areas of the Appalachian Mountains. But one thing's for sure: The bluish color of their "glow" is unusual among creatures that exhibit bioluminescence...
Most major metropolises are connected via air, rail and road routes. Because of the country’s extremely reliable public transport systems, owning a car is unnecessary. Express trains hurdle from one side of the Republic to the other, often in as little as two hours. The underground is ...