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From 1947 First worked for the progressive newspaper The Guardian, specializing in exposés of black labor conditions. In 1949 she married Slovo, and by 1954 they had three daughters. After CPSA was banned (an apartheid-era legal action that was used to suppress organizations and publications and...
The South African Communist Party publishes the newspaper Inkululeko-Freedom (since 1971) and the theoretical journal African Communist (since 1959), which is printed in London. The African National Congress publishes the journal Mayibuye (since 1966) in Lusaka, Zambia, and the journal Sechaba (...
Whether you're heading to the West End, the vibrant markets of East London, or the iconic landmarks such as the Tower of London and St. Paul's Cathedral, the proximity of these public transport stations ensures that you can easily reach your desired destinations without any hassle.A ...
You will read about it in the newspaper, hear about it in the radio, or overhear private talks in the buses, taxis or in the street corners. Some of these children disclose to us. So, this thing is common. Last month people were talking about three cases, two of them involved our ...
‘Southern Electric’ trains, including those used since the beginning of the London & South Western Railway’s start of 3rd rail electric services in 1916, along with locomotive worked, mainly freight, newspaper or engineers services. It also include the codes for the early London, Brighton & ...
A Very Brutal Judgment; for Years It Was the Comprehensive School of Choice for the Liberal Elite of South-West London. Then under a New Head Grey Court Lost Its Way and Was Damned by Ofsted. Now, as the School Fights to Restore Its Reputation, Old Boy Andrew Gilligan Goes Back to...
”40This was possible because the Aborigi-nes were not regarded as belonging to human society, as the description of thispractice published in the newspaper The Queenslander also confirms:And, being a useless race, what does it matter what they suffer any more than the distin-guished ...
‘Tusk Lion Trail’ in which 22 life-sized lion sculptures take visitors on a journey to trail some of the West End’s most iconic landmarks, a immersive light installation by artist Chila Burman at Covent Garden’s historic Market Building, and ‘Art of London’, in which five Royal ...