Download-SouthTuenMunGovernmentSecondary 系统标签: tuenmundownloadsecondarysouthgovernment CategoryCodeSequenceNumberActivityName06000000402251'TowardsBeijing.TowardstheSpace'NationalYouthAviationandSpaceflightModelCompetition04010940400001150thAnniversaryMusical(Pleaseprovidedetailsin"Description"box)0202465050246604024670400002Adecade...
Photo: Baycrest, CC BY-SA 2.5. Tai Hing is an at-grade MTR Light Rail stop located at Tai Fong Street near Shi Hui Wen Secondary School, Tai Hing Estate, in Tuen Mun District. Tai Hing (North) is situated 280 metres northwest of Tai Hing (South).Locales in the AreaHung...
Centaline Property provides latest residential properties information about Siu On Court of Tuen Mun South, including estate details, locations, facilities and transportation, as well as transaction records and listing details of Siu On Court.
School Net Primary: 71 Secondary: Tuen Mun District Primary: 70 Secondary: Tuen Mun District Primary: 71 Secondary: Tuen Mun District Primary: 70 Secondary: Tuen Mun District Monthly domestic household income $30,560 $30,460 $40,040 -- Household size 2.9 2.7 3.1 -- Median age...
School Net Primary: 70 Secondary: Tuen Mun District Primary: 70 Secondary: Tuen Mun District Primary: 71 Secondary: Tuen Mun District Primary: 70 Secondary: Tuen Mun District Monthly domestic household income $28,200 $30,460 $40,040 -- Household size 2.9 2.7 3.1 -- Median age...
GLORIOUS GARDEN belongs to Tuen Mun District for Secondary School Places Allocation Scheme. 1999/2 Date of Occupation Permit 12 Block(s) No. of Blocks 3,026 No. of Units Type Hos Address/ Area 45 Lung Mun Road School Net Primary: 70 ・ Secondary: Tuen Mun District Category Car ...
Centaline Property provides latest residential properties information about Hanford Garden of Tuen Mun South, including estate details, locations, facilities and transportation, as well as transaction records and listing details of Hanford Garden.