and South Texas Blood & Tissue Center, a leading provider of blood products throughout South Texas and beyond, mark three months of successful utilization of Biolog-id’s dedicated Convalescent Plasma solution in its supply chain. The deployed solution provides real-time visibility ...
Red Cross: Need for blood donors is constant Berlin NewsCHRISTINE BARCIA-January 30, 2025 The American Red Cross needs the help of state residents. The need for blood and platelet donations during January's National Blood Donor Month and... ...
blood donationhealth status disclosureHIVmotivationsWe performed a mixed‐methods study to explore the motivations associated with blood donation by donors with known, but undisclosed HIV‐positive status and ARV use (HIV+/ARV+), seeking potential strategies to reduce such donations and mitigate risk ...
Blood donation is a vital therapy for a number of life threatening conditions. South Africa needs around810,000units of blood every year. People needing blood transfusions include accident victims, those with anemia and patients undergoing surgery. Butless than 1%of South Africans are active blood ...
Seaman 1stClass Hale McKissack of Talpa, Texas, and 26-year-old Ensign Charles M. Stern Jr. of Albany, N.Y., both of whom were alsoOklahomacrew members. McKissack is scheduled to be buried May 4, in nearby Winters, Texas, while Stern will be buried outside Albany sometime this ...
This introduction surveys existing literature on South Asian tissue economies and reflects on engagements with diverse modes of biological exchange in the subcontinent. It elaborates the aims and themes of this special issue, which presents essays on caste, gender, and blood donation in Pakistan (...
Reports on the controversial decision of South Africa's Western Province Blood Transfusion Service (WPBTS) to refuse a blood donation from a gay man. Defense from WPBTS on the standard of rejecting at-risk donors such as intravenous drug users and prostitutes; Concern from epidemiologist Jo ...
Negotiations are being held between the Human Rights Commission (HRC) and South Africas Western Province Blood Transfusion Service (WPBTS) after HRC received a complaint against the WPBTS from a homosexual man who was rejected as a potential blood donor. In South Africa men who have sex with ...
Conclusion: Blood donation from persons on antihypertensive therapy poses no extra risk of severe adverse events, given the use of screening criteria to identify and bleed only low-risk donors.Johnsen, Kathrine M NeumanMagnussen, KarinErstad, Christian...
The impact of individual donation NAT screening on blood safety – The South African experience. ISBT Sci Ser. 2006; 1 :203–8.Heyns ADP, Swanevelder JP, Lelie PN, Crookes RL, Busch MP. The impact of individual donation NAT screening on blood safety - the South African experience. ISBT ...