While I have other tiny complaints, these are things you can bring up about many other motorcycles. It’s the previously mentioned issues that really hamper what is otherwise an excellent light touring bike, and bring my score down to a 7.5/10 helmets. That being said, the 1300 Tourer can...
across the street from the Honda assembly plant in Marysville, Ohio, the company's first manufacturing facility in the United States. Learn about the company's history and role in manufacturing products like cars, motorcycles, airplanes, robots and more. Check it out at beesfirstappearance blog....
Bruce sported around for hours on that tank of gas. One thing you got to say for motorcycles is they get good mileage. Still, he couldn’t help but believe Leroy had rolled out of his comfortable bed at the sound of Bruce’s engine and was out hunting him right now. Or maybe sitting...