Algoa Bay (latitude: 33.83°S and longitude: 25.80°E) is situated in the Nelson Mandela Bay Metropolitan Municipality, close to Port Elizabeth city and Coega deep water port facility in Eastern Cape, South Africa. It is about 683 kilometres east of the Cape of Good Hope and welcomes organic...
Materials A Portland cement of high initial compressive strength (CP V-ARI) (InterCement Brasil, Candiota, RS, Brazil) was used with the following properties: Blaine of 410 m2/kg compression strength after 28 days of 50 MPa; and specific mass of 3000 kg/m3. The CDW used in the ...
The objective of this study was to promote communal spirit through cultural space in a shrinking city. To achieve this, the study tracked the operation method of the Media Culture Center in Seocheon of South Korea; collected data by interviewing stakehol
The effects of climate change and urbanization on the runoff of the Rock Creek basin in the Portland metropolitan area, Oregon, USA. Hydrol. Process. 2009, 23, 805–815. [CrossRef] 22. Schneiderman, E.M.; Pierson, D.C.; Lounsbury, D.G.; Zion, M.S. Modeling the hydrochemistry of ...