The South Pole-Aitken Basin on the Moon formed from a gigantic impact about 4.3 billion years ago. Scientists say a more detailed analysis of this area will help refine the timeline of events in the Moon’s development, as well as help explain the dramatic differences between the lunar near...
The Moon’s farside South Pole–Aitken (SPA) basin is the largest and oldest visible impact basin in the inner Solar System. Determining the timing of this catastrophic event is key to understanding the onset of the lunar basin-forming epoch, with implic
Here, we present hydro- and mantle convection numerical simulations of the giant impact event that formed the South Pole–Aitken basin—the largest impact basin on the Moon—and the subsequent impact-induced convection with the assistance of gravitational instability. We find that the impact induces...
1ZŌCHŌTEN 増長天 literally means “lord who expands, lord who enlarges.” This is sometimes translated as Sprouting Growth, to indicate Zōchōten’s role as a catalyst of spiritual growth. Zōchōten is one of the four Shintennō, a group of fierce-looking (忿怒相 funnusō) ...
The unofficial web site for Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station, featuring the comprehensive history of the place from the old days to the present. Here are Antarctic photos, stories, trivia, audio clips, and news from then and now.
We contend that this timeline is debatable. Although the present-day eastern boundary of the SCS follows the Manila Trench (Section 2.3), this does not consider the subducted portion of the SCS lithosphere. After geometric restoration of the high-velocity seismic anomaly representing the SCS slab ...
Also visit: The sunsetless [4] North Pole miracle in the Glorious Quran [1].Colonizing Mars & Praying and Fasting: We see below the Glorious Quran's Prophecy about man will eventually penetrate space. Today, man is speaking about colonizing planet Mars. Certainly, the Prayer and Fasting time...
as were any with health issues. According to the decree, the King would select a dozen ladies to form his coterie. Though not specifically stated, most believed the King would select one lucky member of the group as his Queen. Despite a short timeline, the competition promised to be fierce...
From the Ross Sea base, on the other side of the Pole, another party will push southward and will probably await the arrival of the Trans-continental party at the top of the Beardmore Glacier, near Mount Buckley, where the first seams of coal were discovered in the Antarctic. This region...
December 20th Scott named the first returning party of four. Scott had dreaded this moment as all had pulled to the limit of their strength, but this four were now to be deprived of their reward, attainment of the South Pole. They reached "home" at Hut point 35 days later on January ...