The creators of the Comedy Central cartoon have often taken on subjects which have proved controversial. Woods will feature in the opening of South Park's 14th season on Wednesday, where he will encounter regular characters Stan, Kyle, Kenny and Cartman in their animated Colorado town. The story...
Pep Guardiola's side reacted quickly with Ilkay Gundogan and John Stones turning the score around in just nine minutes before goals from Riyad Mahrez after 53 and 57 minutes resolved the game comfortably for City. Kenny McLean's goal in first-half injury time gave struggling Norwich a surprise...
Kenneth "Kenny" McCormick 由Matt Stone配音(摘掉帽子时由Mike Judge或Eric Stough配音),以总是穿着的橙色风衣和前五季几乎集集必死而闻名。由于在大多数剧集里他的兜帽都是包住嘴的,所以他的话很难听清楚。虽然有时他的话是能理解的,而且字幕里都有。Kenny不清的声音听起来像Stan的声音略微提高了调。在...