Zann LP. The status of coral reefs in south western Pacific Islands. Marine Pollution Bulletin 1994;29:52-61.Zann, L. P. 1994 . The status of coral-reefs in South-Western Pacific Islands . Marine Pollution Bulletin 29 : 52 – 61 ....
You will experience some of the best snorkeling and diving in the world, with turquoise blue lagoons aplenty and coral reefs offering an abundance of stunning marine life. Whether you want to charter a catamaran in the South Pacific to be able to sail close to the islands and the reefs, ...
Map of the South Pacific Islands For tourists and travellers alike, South Pacific holidays are the stuff of dreams. For most island nations the tourist dollar has been a vital source of income, often accounting for over half of total GDP. This reliance has been exposed since the Covid-19 ...
Coral reefs as buffers during the 2009 South Pacific tsunami, Upolu Island, Samoa Brian G. McAdooa,⁎, Joyce Samuelu Ah-Leongb,1, Lui Bellc,2, Pulea Ifopod,3, Juney Wardd,3, Edward Lovelle,4, Posa Skeltonf,4 aDepartment of Earth Science and Geography, Vassar College, United Stat...
Explore the beautiful South Pacific islands with this comprehensive travel guide to Fiji, Cook islands and French Polynesia.
Outbreaks of the coral predator Crown-of-Thorns Starfish (CoTS) pose a severe threat to coral reefs in the Indo-Pacific Ocean. In 2018, the South China Sea (SCS) experienced significant CoTS outbreaks, leading to extensive coral mortality across the Xish
Geochemical characteristics of major elements from the column sample TS6 in the southern part of Southwest Taiwan Basin, together with the grain size and AMS14C dating data are studied for both the changes in depositional environment and climate of the area since the last deglaciation. Vertical di...
Cladogenesis betweenL. pacificusandL. brevicepslineage II occurred 3.4 (HPD: 1.3–5.4) Ma, which coincides with the estimated time for the closure of the Pacific-Atlantic connection due to the uplift of the Isthmus of Panama27. Therefore, the isolation of populations in the Atlantic and Pacific...
Subtropical coral reefs such as the lagoonal reefs of Norfolk Island in the remote South Pacific are vastly understudied, with many benthic species unrecorded in the scientific literature. Here we report on ascidian populations from 2021 to 2023 at Norfo
Pacific. Some 1 million to 60 million years ago, it rifted and then collapsed as a result ofseafloor spreading. The China Sea Basin is believed to have dropped 2.5 miles (4 km), leaving residual plateaus studded with numerouscoral reefs, islets, and banks, some of which are drownedatolls....