"Pearl of the South Pacific" is a film from RKO made during their darkest hours. Howard Hughes had bought the studio in 1948 and the quality of their films dropped drastically. Over the next few years, the A-pictures at the studio looked more likw B-movies due to indifferent scripts and...
Medellin’s unsafe reputation still lingers abroad, but locals enjoy peacefully strolling through formerly dangerous areas like thePoblado district. Public spaces likeParque Arví, spanning over 4,000 acres of forested land, provide families and adventurers an urban escape. Medellin also has extra spice...
1 As Lake Titi caca an d other Andean lakes an d the inland seas sl owly disappeared the climati c conditi ons of S outh America underwent a radical change : the Andean plateaux an d Pacific coast lan ds lost their fertility, thus i mposing on their inhabitants an increasingly severe ...