SPCSecretariat of the Pacific Community SPCSouth Plains College(Levelland, Texas) SPCSaint Peter's College(Jersey City, NJ) SPCSpecification SPCSrpske Pravoslavne Crkve(Serbian: Serbian Orthodox Church) SPCService de Prévision des Crues(French; Flood Forecasting Service) ...
Google Scholar Sharma, K.L. (2004) ‘Growth, Inequality and Poverty in Fiji Islands: Institutional Constraints and Issues’,Department of Economics Working Paper10, University of the South Pacific: Suva. Google Scholar SPC (Secretariat of the Pacific Community) (2000)Selected Pacific Economies: A ...
Using the Community Earth System Model, we impose a positive sea surface temperature anomaly in the SPCZ that reproduces an increase in convective rainfall in the southwest SPCZ that has been observed in recent decades, consistent with the negative phase of the Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation (...
Pacific Community (SPC), Fisheries, Aquaculture and Marine Ecosystem division, BP D5, 98848, Noumea, New Caledonia Pauline Bosserelle National Center for Scientific Research, PSL Université Paris, CRIOBE, USR 3278 CNRS-EPHE-UPVD, Maison des Océans, 195 rue Saint-Jacques, 75005, Paris, France...
Our findings suggest that, over the time window represented by the HS1 coral, the effect of the SPCZ and/or the southwestern tropical Pacific salinity front on Tahiti salinity was stronger than today on ENSO timescales, probably indicating a slight displacement and/or intensification of these ...
Significance of the South Pacific Convergence Zone (SPCZ) in the energy budget of the Southern Hemisphere tropics A modified set of FGGE Level III-b gridpoint analyses, originally produced by ECMWF, is used to diagnose the eddy energy budgets of four equal-area regions... JW Hurrell,DG Vinc...
The first is based on the Pacific maritime security model for auditing and capacity building; the Secretariat of the Pacific Community's Regional Maritime Program (SPC鈥怰MP). This is rejected in favour of a second model based on the International Air Transport Association's (IATA) Operational ...
In 2022, Korean food company SPC Samlip brought back their Pokémon breads, which came with collectable Pokémon stickers, after being suspended in 2006. Within the first two weeks of its launch in 2022, over 3.5 million units were sold, sparking a frenzy among consumers of all age groups. ...
CMIP5 models however exhibit substantial biases in their present-day climatologies, including an underestimated zonal SST gradient in the equatorial Atlantic6, an equatorial Pacific cold tongue that penetrates too far westward7,8,9,10, and a tendency for the South Pacific Convergence Zone (SPCZ) ...
Constraints and opportunities for 'Community participation' in the management of the Lake Victoria fisheries Deep reef slope fishery resources of the South Pacific: A summary and analysis of the droplinefishing survey data generated by the activities of the SPC Fi... EG Jansen,RO Abila,JP Owino...