Astrology, Astrology Charts, Love Signs, Rising Sign Calculator, Retrograde Motion, Twelve Houses, Yod, Kite, Grand Trine, Grand Square, T-square, Moon Signs
What your South Node means in astrology describes the people you've been before you arrived in this life, as well as the qualities you should to leave behind.
the nodes offer specific indicators that speak to our unique purpose and meaning in life. In many schools of astrology, the consensus is that as we embody more of our natal chart, the greater happiness,
Lunar Node book, Kathy Allan astrologer, moon's node delineation, improved astrology reading, North Node, South Node
south node/Saturn double whammy, but I don't know how much that counts, considering that I have more or less the same aspect with all those born in October 1973. His Saturn conjuncts my south node and IC, my Saturn conjuncts his south node. Now, this made me think that we may ...