美国深南部指的是美国南部地区中的一部分,其地理范围并没有明确的界定,但通常包括以下州:亚拉巴马、佐治亚、德克萨斯东部,路易斯安那、密西西比,佛罗里达北部、南卡罗来纳,和北卡来罗那州南部。这一地区因为教堂林立, 尤其是南方浸礼教(Southern Baptistism),因此也被称为“圣经带” (The Bible Belt)。 美国深南部...
Dallas Baptist Universityis a comprehensive Christ-centered liberal arts university with a 368-acre suburban campus in south Dallas, Texas. The Graduate School at DBU offers advanced degrees in Business & Leadership, Education, Ministry & Counseling, and Science & Technolo...
a 160-year-old constitutional ban on lotteries still prohibits even charity cake raffles.But in recent years, amid an influx of newcomers - and as nearby states fill their coffers with gambling proceeds - the resolve of a region steeped in strait-laced Baptist teachings has begun to waver. ...
- Top public schools: Yankton Middle School - 02 (grade B+), Stewart Elementary School (grade B), Yankton High School (grade B) - Top private schools: Sacred Heart School (grade unavailable), Sacred Heart Middle School - (grade unavailable), Missouri Valley Christian Academy (grade unavailabl...
Did John the Baptist _abuse_ the Jews when he called them “_a generation of vipers_” and warned them “to bring forth fruits meet for repentance?” Did Peter abuse the Jews when he told them they were the murderers of the Lord of Glory? Did Paul abuse the Roman Governor when he ...
has become the heaviest cattle dealer in Bon Homme county. He has shipped seventeen carloads since last spring and still has several hundred head. During the last year, he has shipped as many cattle as some of the stockmen on the great cattle ranges west of the Missouri River, showing what...
- Top private schools: Sioux Falls Christian Schools (grade A minus), Sioux Falls Lutheran School (grade unavailable), Central Baptist Preschool & Kindergarten (grade unavailable) - Top places to live: Tea (grade A minus), Harrisburg (grade B+), Canton (grade B) ...