The Ultimate Sioux Falls Visitor's Guide: A to Z Sioux Falls has lots to explore; fun stuff for the whole family, food of every kind, educational opportunities, and more! If you have out-of-town guests visiting, you're new to Sioux Falls, or you're thinking about moving here, this ...
Africa is home to 55 countries, an ancient and complex history, modern cities, some 3,000 languages and over a billion people. From Algeria to Zimbabwe, here’s a snapshot of each country on a continent you need to know more about.
Migration from Korea to the Russian Far East occurred as early as the 1860s and reached up to 200,000 by the late 1930s. During the Pacific War, suspicions arose that Koreans were spies for Japan, and Stalin deported all Koreans living in the Far East to Central Asian countries (Lee,...
The NETPATH code, which can be used for chemical speciation, mass balance and isotope balance along a flow path in groundwater systems, is discussed at some length and applied to aquifer field data. The obtained results allow us to determine the plausible reactions that control the geochemical...
aMorocco controls Western Sahara, a mineral-rich desert territory to the south. Since the Moroccan government seized Western Sahara in 1975, groups of Western Saharans have fought for independence. The United Nations has tried to promote an election to decide Western Sahara’s future, but nothing...
aForbes magazine announced that the net value of 40 African billionaires in 2012 was $72.9 billion, increasing 12 percent from that in 2011. Among the 40 billionaires, 12 are South Africans, 11 are Nigerians, eight are Egyptians and five are Moroccans. 福布斯宣布2012年40个非洲亿万富翁的净值...
El Moussaoui, MhamedGeography and Development group, Abdelmalek Essaadi UniversityEl Morabit, AbdelkarimGeography and Development group, Abdelmalek Essaadi UniversityHimi, MahjoubEconomic and Environmental Geology and Hydrology group, University of BarcelonaBenabdelouahab, Sara...
Moroccans sigh, grumble after FIFA hands 2010 World Cup to South Africa
Evaluation of the Interpretation Criteria of Western Blot Profiles for the HIV-1 Infection Diagnosis in a South Moroccan Groupdoi:10.15342/ijms.7.125DIAGNOSIS of HIV infectionsWESTERN immunoblottingPATIENT managementVIRAL loadINTERNATIONAL organization
R. (1987) Molecular relationships among Iberian, Moroccan, and South African Lacertid Lizards (Reptilia: Lacertidae). Amphibia-Reptilia, 8, 383 -392.BUSACK, S.D. & L.R. MAXSON 1987: Molecular relationships among Iberian, Maroccan, and South African lacertid lizards (Reptilia, Lacertidae). - ...