Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM) is a comprehensive strategy that inculcate the principles outlined in the Dublin Statement on Water and Sustainable Development (Dirwai et al. 2021). The Dublin principles stress that water is a finite and vulnerable resources that must be managed sustainabl...
Dublin 18 duck 7 dumbbell 1 Dumfriesshire 2 Dunbartonshire 2 Durham 2 durty 1 Dutch 1 dvd 3 Dynjandi 2 Dyrafjordur 4 ear 1 earth 1 east 16 East Iceland 13 East Lothian 2 East Sussex 2 Easter 5 Easter eggs 5 eastfjords 2 eat 24 eating 21 ecology 5...
15 nm-thick layer of carbon, and the zircons were imaged by cathodoluminescence (CL) using a KE Developments Centaurus system attached to a Tescan Mira XMU Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) at the Centre for Microscopy and Analysis (CMA) at Trinity College, Dublin. ...