American history South Dakota's role in damming the Missouri River from 1915 to 1950 UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH DAKOTA Steven J. Bucklin MackThomas CThis paper addresses how South Dakotans, individually and collectively, influenced Missouri River legislation in their state and the United States. Over the...
CONTRIBUTIONS OF SUSPENDED LOAD TO THE MISSOURI RIVER DOWNSTREAM OF GAVINS POINT DAM, YANKTON, SOUTH DAKOTAThe installation of the mainstem dams on the Missouri River has reduced the suspended sediment transported along the fifty-nine mile stretch of the Missouri National Recreational River to ...
After record snowfall in the Rocky Mountains,South Dakotawas on the receiving end of an unprecedented amount of runoff. Subsequently, massive flooding occurred with the loss of homes and property. It wasn't uncommon to see old appliances and vehicles floating down the Missouri River. Downstream se...
After record snowfall in the Rocky Mountains,South Dakotawas on the receiving end of an unprecedented amount of runoff. Subsequently, massive flooding occurred with the loss of homes and property. It wasn't uncommon to see old appliances and vehicles floating down the Missouri River. Downstream se...
Bald Eagle - Haliaeetus leucocephalus - South Dakota Birds and Birding - Species Information and Photos
Think of all the spectacular places you have visited here in South Dakota. The summer vacations you've taken with your family as a child and maybe continue as an adult now with your kids.
Think of all the spectacular places you have visited here in South Dakota. The summer vacations you've taken with your family as a child and maybe continue as an adult now with your kids.
Salvage Archaeology at a Site Near Fort Thompson. South DakotaConstruction of dams and reservoirs along the Missouri River has resulted in an accelerated program of archaeological field-work. Many sites have been surveyed, numerous others tested, and a lesser number extensively excavated. Surveys and...
Alternative forms of energy are in every state. Here in South Dakota, we source power from the sun and wind. Thanks to the waterways of the Missouri River hydroelectric power also provides a big portion of energy with its four dams in the state. ...
There are plenty of towns and cities throughout South Dakota that offer fantastic weekend getaways. One city that is just a little over an hour away and definitely worth exploring on any given weekend is Yankton,South Dakota. Besides visiting the Missouri River, downtown Yankton is also a go...