www.xianease.com lion lantern When I was a small child I lived in a small open village (now circled by a large concrete factory and becom- ing very dirty) in Yaozhou County, we lit the lanterns using a small red cradle made of sheep oil the nights leading up to the Lantern Article...
New South Wales - Government, Society, Politics: In theory, the state government administers internal matters, while the Commonwealth government is responsible for defense, foreign policy, immigration, trade, customs and excise, postal services, and air
Bodies called county councils are organized to coordinate common services such as flood control and electric power supply in districts that comprise a number of local government units. Political parties are usually state branches of the federal political parties and tend to have the same policies and...
To control for income effects on student fitness, average income per capita was retrieved at the county level from the Korean Labor Income Panel Study (KLIPS), which has surveyed the same 5000 random households over 18 years until recently. Between 2009 and 2013, income per capita was 14.60 ...