wind energyCross-Calibrated Multi-Platform (CCMP) wind fieldSouth China Seatemporal and spatial variationStudies on climate change typically consider temperature and precipitation over extended periods but less so the wind. We used the Cross-Calibrated Multi-Platform (CCMP) 24-year wind field data ...
combination of wind power density at 70 m calculated according to the power law of wind energy profile and reef flats extracted from 35 scenes of Landsat ETM + images,wind power installed capacity of every island or reef is estimated to evaluate wind power generation of the South China Sea. ...
With the setting of wind energy harvesting moving from coastal waters to deep waters, the South China Sea has been deemed to offer great potential for the construction of floating wind farms thanks to the abundance of wind energy resources. An engineering model describing the wind profiles and wa...
The wind stresses and their derived wind stress curls, and Sverdrup stream functions over the South China Sea (SCS) in typical winter and summer months from nine datasets are compared. The datasets include CCMP, CERSAT, ASCAT, QSCAT, NCEP, QSCAT-NCEP, HR, ERA-40, and ERA-Interim. Results...
Along with the commercialization of offshore wind energy in China, the South China Sea has been identified as ideal for constructing offshore wind farms, especially for farms consisting of floating wind turbines over deep waters. Since the wind profiles and wave spectra are somewhat primitive for ...
At present, most of the islands and reefs in the South China Sea have been occupied by China, the Philippines, Vietnam, Taiwan and Malaysia (see Fig. 1.5). China’s rising energy demands, decreasing ability to meet demand growth with domestic energy sources and continued reliance on oil hav...
Eddy activity is sensitive to the wind stress curl and in the northern SCS it is also related with the strength of the background flows. 展开 关键词: mesoscale eddies satellite altimetry South China Sea eddy features spatiotemporal variability ...
Based on 30-year wind, wave and current data in the South China Sea which are hindcasted by using numerical models and data assimilation, the extreme wind, wave and current for return periods in deep water of the South China Sea are calculated by using the three-parameter Weibull ...
[1] A recent study shows that the blockage of the southwest monsoon by the mountain range on the east coast of Indochina triggers a chain of ocean-atmospheric response, including a wind jet and cold filament in the South China Sea (SCS). We extend this climatological analysis by using hig...
South China Sea / hydrological characteristic / ocean current / chlorophyll-a variation References [1] KNUTSON T R,TULEYA R E. Impact of CO2-induced warming on simulated hurricane intensity and precipitation:sensitivity to the choice of climate model and convective parameterization[J]. Journa...