More than $5.3 trillion in trade travels through the South China Sea, according to the Council on Foreign Relations. America makes up $1.2 trillion of that figure. If any conflict were to arise between either of the competing nations claiming certain parts of the sea, it would disrupt cargo...
"If we know the inclusive and harmonious culture of the parties, we will understand that the bilateral agreement is the best solution for the conflict," he added. According to Selgas, "Conflict resolution does not go through a Court unilaterally, in this case, but should be addressed at the...
“If China and the Philippines can reach an agreement on the exploration and development of oil and gas resources in the South China Sea, it will be a breakthrough in economic cooperation in the region and will largely promote the safety of the Asia-Pacific,” Gu said. Growth prospects The...
“A miracle if there is no military conflict”: the CCP’s Scarborough Shoal media blitz, Part I (May 8-9) Posted:May 13, 2012|Author:Andrew Chubb|Filed under:China-Philippines,CNS,Comment threads,Global Times,People's Daily,PRC News Portals,State media,TV,Weibo|Tags:audience costs,Chinese...
The report concluded that Japan has strengthened its defense in its southwest islands and was preparing to take over the Diaoyu Islands by force in the future and intervening in any potential conflict in the Taiwan Straits. Luo Yuan himself was quoted: ...
Footnote 23 Some American commentators have called upon the US to negotiate a deal with China as an equal to reduce the danger of conflict. What is not explained, however, is that any such agreement or accommodation would have to recognise Chinese domination in these areas and would be tanta...
Defense Policy Coordination Talks,which were last held in January.. While the talks weren't expected to resolve long-standing differences in stances over issues ranging from South China Sea claims to Taiwan, the U.S. has continued to push for the discussion...
Confrontations between Chinese and Philippine coast guard and naval forces in the disputed sea passage havespiked alarminglysince last year. That has sparked fears that the United States — Manila’s longtime treaty ally — may get drawn in a major conflict. ...
[with Vietnam].China should, at the appropriate time, adjust its strategic focus, and conduct far-sighted and realistic research on the South China Sea. Make every kind of war preparation in the South China Sea area, especially for war-fighting 作战 against Vietnam. As soon as conflict ...
This too may be explained by the commercial imperative to play up the conflict and create a dramatic crisis narrative of China being encroached upon from all sides. But putting such menacing words into other countries’ mouths like this seems very irresponsible for aPeople’s Daily-owned, Beijin...