The present study was conducted in Shenzhen (113° 43′–114° 38′ E, 22° 24′–22° 52′ N), a coastal megacity located in the Southeast part of China. This city area comprises approximately 1997 km2 and with 13 million inhabitants in 2019 (Shenzhen Statistical Yearbook 2019). Shenzhe...
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Carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae capsular types, antibiotic resistance and virulence factors in China: a longitudinal, multi-centre study Article Open access 29 February 2024 Introduction Neisseria meningitidis isolates can cause asymptomatic colonization or severe invasive infections. Invasive meningoco...
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(ISIS2017)2009 Solar Decathlon2011 Solar Decathlon2017 Prognostics and System Health Management Conference2018 EU–China Symposiums on Renewable Energy/Sustainable Energy and Energy Storage Technologies2nd Young Scholar’s Symposium on Battery Design and Management (BDM 2017)4th International Conference on ...
According to the China Statistical Yearbook of Guizhou Province from 2016 to 2021, the average grain yield per unit area in Guizhou Province was calculated to be 4234.5 kg/hm2. Due to the influence of social demand on annual grain prices each year, in order to reduce calculation errors and ...
The National Economy of the RSFSR in 1970 (Statistical Yearbook). “Statistika” Publisher: Moscow, Russia, 1971. Available online: (accessed on 7 May 2021). (In Russian). The National Economy of the RSFSR in 1980 (Statistical Yearbook). “Finansy i Statist...
China and other internationally involved countries, focusing all the impacts of weather and climate events in their regions. In particular, most of these countries have implemented several programs and activities that deal with the study of hydrometeorology of extreme events and mitigation of their effe...