Semantic Scholar 万方医学 Semantic Scholar (全网免费下载) Ingenta Pubmed Central (全网免费下载) 查看更多 相似文献 参考文献 引证文献HOME ACCIDENTS IN OLDER-PEOPLE - ROLE OF PRIMARY HEALTH-CARE TEAM Objectives-To determine the incidence and nature of unreported and reported home accidents in older peo...
Hill, S.K., Cantrell, P., Edwards, J., Dalton, W., 2016. Factors influencing mental health screening and treatment among women in rural south central Appalachian primary care clinic. J. Rural. Health 32 (1), 82-91 (Winter).Hill SK, Cantrell P, Edwards J, Dalton W. Factors ...
Southcentral Foundation Palliative Medicine Physician Chris Piromalli is a palliative support consultant and an advocate for customer-owners beginning conversations about preparing for the unexpected. “One of the most important parts of an advance health care directive is picking a health care agent, a...
has announced the inclusion of the report "South and Central America Anesthesia and Respiratory Devices Market Outlook to 2017- Respiratory Devices, Respiratory Measurement Devices, Airway and Anesthesia Devices, Anesthesia Machines, Sleep Apnea Diagnostic Systems, Pain Management Devices and" to their ...
Informal care for illness in rural southwest Uganda: the central role that women play In rural Uganda care for those who are ill tends to be home based because of inadequate and expensive health care facilities, lack of medication and poor s......
online 13th August 2008 tice AirwitedAbstract ibAims: The Practical Approach to Lung Health in South Africa (PALSA) initiative aimed to develop an integrated symptom- and sign-based rac roh(syndromic) respiratory disease guideline for nurse care practitioners working in primary care in a developin...
TB/HIV Care, Office 207 A.A. House, Corner Rink & Park Drive, Central, Port Elizabeth, South Africa Mfezi Mcingana Contributions SS, SB, MM, NP, AL, ZK, and HH helped design and conduct the study. AR, RM, and LP conducted the analyses. LP drafted the manuscript. All authors revi...
This study aims to map oral healthcare beliefs among home care services personnel, and have the following question: How do the education level, years of work experience and training in oral health have impact on home care services personnel oral healthcare beliefs? Methods A cross-sectional ...
help protect more than 900 frontline medical and support staff from secondary infections as they respond to and serve patients affected by the disease in 17 primary healthcare centers and units, two hospitals in South Sudan's Unity, Upper Nile, Western and Central Equatoria States, said the ...
Primary care services in South Africa have been challenged by increasing numbers of people with communicable and non-communicable chronic diseases. There was a need to develop alternative approaches for stable patients to access medication. With the onse