Lessons learned by individual states' Medicaid waivers could be an important part of the health care reform debate. This paper presents an evaluation of a Medicaid waiver operating in South I Carolina. The South Carolina Community Long-term Care Waiver for the Elderly and Disabled is evaluated ...
Import Wizard - Staff Courses Logic and Validations The following represents the logic and setup of the Staff Courses Import: Each line should represent a course section taught by the staff person. IfYear, School NumberandStaff State IDare reported, a new record will be created for that staff...
Charleston, South Carolina 29407 (843) 571-5000; (866) 675-5398 (fax) Email: rwsmith | at | sceldercare.com Web: www.scmedicaid.info Medicaid Pre-Planning - Asset Protection, Medicaid Crisis Planning - Asset Protection, Medicaid Applications, Medicaid Hearings and Appeals, Qualified Income Tr...
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