However in passing over the target Ted’s Bristol Beaufort is shot up, taking damage to both engines. The stricken bomber is forced into a water crash-landing, the crew all survive and in the 90 seconds it takes the Bristol Beaufort takes to sink, they all manage to scramble into an inf...
The application reiterates statements made by the UN Secretary-General, who has described Gaza as a “crisis of humanity” and a “graveyard for children” in his invocation of Article 99 of the UN Charter. The Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD) has als...
Altbeker A: A country at war with itself: South Africa's crisis of crime. South Africa: Jonathan Ball publishers; 2007. Google Scholar Kennedy BP, Kawachi I, Prothrow-Stith D, Lochner K, Gibbs B: Social capital, income inequality, and firearm violent crime. Social Science and Medicine ...
Bev has found returning to full time teaching in the UK to be incredibly hard. Teaching is in something of a crisis in the UK, teachers are leaving in droves as the balance between teaching and paperwork falls all too far on side of the paperwork. Targets and observations, pressures and ...
Korea has been in the news more than ever this year with a South Korean (SK) presidential impeachment and a change in government, not to mention the current North Korean crisis. Thankfully Korean Cinema has maintained a positive news profile with Bong Joon-ho's creature feature Okja becoming...
Mobilising cross-sectoral action is helpful in addressing the range of social determinants that contribute to health inequities. The South Australian Health in All Policies (SA HiAP) approach was implemented from 2007 to stimulate cross-sector policy act
In this regard, shrinking rural areas are recognized in crisis [39] and seem to be chronic targets of national and regional policy [8]. Continuous efforts have been made in the social policies of three countries—Japan, South Korea, and China—to tackle rural shrinkage. An overview of ...