South Ayrshire Council is a local government body that focuses on managing and coordinating a wide range of services for residents and visitors in its jurisdiction. The council provides essential services such as waste management, educational support, cultural development, recreational facilities, and pub...
South Ayrshire Council and Elite Ayrshire Business Circle welcome Chinese delegationMurdoch MacDonald
South Ayrshire Council holiday clubs have a jam-packed, exciting and fun-filled program of activities and outings for your child to participate in. The holiday clubs operate at the following locations: Mossblown Care Club, Mauchline Road, Mossblown. Tel: 079-7112-0465 Dundonald Care Club, Castl...
6.5 Season Ticket holder may apply to cancel their Season Ticket if they relocate to out with 50 miles of the South Ayrshire area and are able to provide proof of their new address. Accepted proof includes a recent Utility Bill, Bank Statement or Council Tax Bill. ...
Crawford (South Lanarkshire; also Crawfordton, Crawfordton Burn and Crawfordton Hill (Dumfries & Galloway), Crawford Hill (East Ayrshire), Crawforddyke and Crawfordjohn (South Lanarkshire) and Crawfordston (South Ayrshire). There are also a few places in northern England and Northern Ireland with...
South Ayrshire Council unveils new eco-friendly Colmonell Primary SchoolMurdoch MacDonald
CE-23-13 The Provision of a Community Recycling Centre to South Ayrshire CouncilcompetitionlineCompetitionline
The Road Traffic (Parking Adjudicators) (South Ayrshire Council) Regulations 2012doi:2012 No. 142
The Road Traffic (Permitted Parking Area and Special Parking Area) (South Ayrshire Council) Designation Order 2012doi:2012 No. 140介绍性文本1.引用和开始2.社会保障和儿童支持(决定和上诉)条例的修订3.社会保障(索赔和付款)条例的修订4.求职者津贴条例的修订5.与住房福利有关的修订:抵消6.撤销职位签名...
Council is raising ambitions for South AyrshireMurdoch MacDonald