Deaths in older South Asians are not always well captured, possibly due to more frequent travel to South Asia once retired, which could compromise the estimation of the survival. We therefore limited the analysis to patients aged 15–69 years at diagnosis. MATERIALS AND METHODS Information on ...
Penman BS, Habib S, Kanchan K, Gupta S. Negative epistasis between a+ thalassaemia and sickle cell trait can explain interpopulation variation in south Asia. Evolution. 2011; 65 :3625–3632. doi: 10.1111/j.1558-5646.2011.01408.x. [ Cross Ref ]...
Whole genome sequencing have been used to identify genes related to adaptation traits in sheep adapted to different environments in Tibetan plateau and Taklimakan desert region in Asia [96]. The abovementioned causal variants are only examples of the abundance of genes already identified in literature...