“There Is More Future Than Past” And “A Room of One’s Own”: Documentary Play About Latin American Women Artists byClarisse Zarvos|May 12, 2019|Brazil,Documentary Theatre,Portugal,Review,Theatre and Decolonization,Theatre and Gender
The contradictions of the findings to the stated hypotheses are somewhat similar to work done with “at-risk” American youth by Kretschmar et al. (2017) where those in the low victimization class were more likely to have a primary anxiety disorder compared to those in the high violence ...
“Legend of The Waitress & The Robber” – A Korean American Cross Cultural Collaboration Makes it to New York City Posted by Philippa Wehle | 1st Jun 2022 | Musical Theatre, New York, Review, South Korea, Theatre and Politics, United States of America The Legend of The Waitress & The ...
Dr. Harvey Cushing, the father of modern neurosurgery, once wrote that,"A physician is obligated to consider more than a diseased organ… more even than the whole man-he must view the man in his world." As American medical students studying abroad, we areD WasserGlobalpulsejournal Com...
South American immigration to the United States has been on the rise, growing three times as fast as overall U.S. immigration from 2000 to 2022, although the nearly 4 million South Americans comprised just 9 percent of all 46.2 million U.S.-based immigrants as of 2022. South Americans firs...
The grimmest sordid state of affairs of being a refugee in the contemporary world has attained a new terrain of crisis depicted by the emergence of ‘climate refugees’ produced by climate change. People do not move on a whim or megrim rather...
While Kristof’s affective procedure seems unique it is part of a wider tradition of American sentiment that reaches at least as far back as Harriet Beecher Stowe. Stowe was the daughter of Lyman Beecher, an influential evangelical minister, and attributed her novel to the power of godly visions...
The Nature of the Crisis and the Academic Response The nature of the world refugee crisis has changed significantly over the period since the Second World War. The number of people labelled as refugees has grown hugely, their spatial distribution has been metamorphosed and the potential ... V ...
South Sudan's five-year civil war has killed untold tens of thousands of people and created more than 2 million refugees, Africa's largest refugee crisis since the 1994 Rwandan genocide. Half of the remaining population of 12 million faces hunger and the economy of the oil-rich nation...
South Sudan's civil war also has sent more than 2 million people fleeing in Africa's largest refugee crisis since the 1994 Rwandan genocide. The new report calls for a stronger humanitarian response in one of the world's most dangerous countries for aid workers. The U.N. has repeatedly...