American Museum of Natural History, New York (in two parts) Part 1: 1–620 pp. [1938]; Part 2: 621–1350 pp. [1940] Google Scholar Alves PC, Melo-Ferreira J, Freitas H, Boursot P (2008) The ubiquitous mountain hare mitochondria: multiple hybridization in hares, genus Lepus. Philos...
What is today known as South Africa is a part of the world that has experienced immense violence over multiple generations. We lament the fact that it continues to be a country with extremely high levels of violence which have impacted many, if not most of us, personally. However, while al...
South American fox, any of six South American carnivores of the dog family (Canidae). They are not actually true foxes, but they do resemble them. In general, they are long-haired and grayish and grow to about 0.5–1 meter (1.6–3.3 feet) in length, excl
South American foxes(multiple species) culpeo (L. culpaeus) Darwin’s fox (L. fulvipes) hoary fox (L. vetulus) pampas fox (L. gymnocercus) Sechuran fox (L. sechurae) genusLycaon African hunting dog(L. pictus) genusNyctereutes