The current population of South America is 436,994,724 as of January 14, 2025, based on interpolation of the latest United Nations data. The population of South America is projected at 435,611,302, or 435.6 million, as of July 1, 2024. The total population in South America is projected...
Discover the beauty of South America's geology and culture with this map of its major countries. Explore our map and discover its amazing landscapes, cities and people. Explore the South America map to find out the countries, capitals and cities in this
Number of Countries: South America is one of the 7 continents on the planet. The majority of its position lies within the Southern Hemisphere, and geographers designate it as a subcontinent of the Americas. ThePacific Oceanborders South America to the west, and theAtlantic Oceanborders it to t...
南美洲有13个国家包括委内瑞拉、圭亚那、苏里南、厄瓜多尔、秘鲁、巴西...南美洲的安第斯山脉是世界上最长的山脉 South America: The area 18,000,000 square kilometers, the composition world land total area 12%, is approximately the world fourth big continent.Altogether has 13 countries and the area.The...
South America is the fourth largest continent in the world, the southern portion of the landmass generally referred to as the New World, the Western Hemisphere, or simply the Americas. The continent is compact and roughly triangular in shape. Learn more
(South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Texas, Arkansas, North Carolina, Virginia, and Tennessee)secededfrom the Union and formed theConfederate States of America. The ensuingCivil War(1861–65) wrought immense destruction on much of the South, which emerged the loser ...
Top 20 South America Facts 1.There are12 countries in South America(see list on the right) and3 dependencieswith a total ofmore than 433 million peopleliving on the continent. Click on the flags to learn more about the12 South American countries: ...
More rankings: Africa | Asia | Central America & the Caribbean | Europe | Middle East | North America | Oceania | South America | World | Limitations and Exceptions: Gini coefficients are not unique. It is possible for two different Lorenz curves to give rise to the same Gini coefficient....
The Continent Maps solution includes the vector design elements library “South America”, which contains the pre-made South America countries map contours for using in ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming and vector drawing software while creating your geo maps of the South America countries. There is ...
A South American country is a nation located in the continent of South America, known for being a part of the booming cargo theft markets where stolen goods are bought and sold on black markets locally or exported to other countries.