The current population of South America is 436,994,724 as of January 14, 2025, based on interpolation of the latest United Nations data. The population of South America is projected at 435,611,302, or 435.6 million, as of July 1, 2024. The total population in South America is projected...
South America: The area 18,000,000 square kilometers, the composition world land total area 12%, is approximately the world fourth big continent.Altogether has 13 countries and the area.The population 302,000,000, the composition world total population 5.6%, occupies world fifth.The South Ameri...
South America: Population DensityAshworth, Jessica
Description:The map below shows how Urban population growth (annual %) varies by country in South America. The shade of the country corresponds to the magnitude of the indicator. The darker the shade, the higher the value. The country with the highest value in the region is Bolivia, with ...
Since the late 20th century, South Carolina’s Hispanic population has been among the fastest growing in the country, owing largely to expansive immigration from Mexico and elsewhere in Latin America. There also has been an increase in Asian immigration....
South America - Population, Ecology, Distribution: The present population of South America is the result of four centuries of mixture among those four components—American Indians, Iberians, Africans, and more recent overseas immigrants—and their descen
South America Facts Our South America Facts for Kids bring you lots of interesting and fun facts on the South American continent. South America is the fourth largest continent in size and the fifth largest when we consider population. The South American continent is located in the western ...
College Educated 42.7% Population 5,373,555 Capital Columbia Median Income $38,153 Settled by the English in 1670, the colony named for King Charles I was split into North and South Carolina in 1710. Largely agricultural, settlers relied heavily on the slave trade to work rice and indigo pla...
Trends in the market:In South America, there is a growing trend towards the adoption of smart health devices such as thermometers, blood glucose meters, and blood pressure meters. These devices offer individuals the ability to monitor their health parameters in real-time and track trends over tim...
South Dakota's population grew from 896,164 in July 2021 to 909,824 in July 2022 (+13,660 people), which is an increase of 1.5 percent. That's the fifth-highest jump in America. Get our free mobile app [Source: U.S. Census Bureau] ...