The Amazon rainforest in South America is the largest rainforest in the world. It covers five and a half million square kilometres of the Amazon Basin and spreads across nine countries. The Amazon rainforest is very important because it is home to thousands of animals, birds and insects. ...
Amazon Rainforest亚马孙雨林Amazon Rainforest is located in South America, covering 5. 5 million squarekilometers, accounting for(占据) half of the world's total rainforest area and 20% of theworld's forest area. The rainforest crosses through eight South American countries, suchas: Brazil, Col...
Mario in the Amazon Rainforest in South America First appearanceThe Adventures of Super Mario Bros. 3(1990) Latest appearanceMario & Sonic at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games(2016) Greater locationEarth InhabitantsHumans, animals. South Americais a continent located onEarthwhich consists of countries such...
America2. How does Daintree rainforest get the name?A. From a river in the rainforest.B. From one of the rainforest animals.C. From a famous geologist.D. From an interesting plant.3. From the text, we learn that ___.①the Amazon Rainforest has about 390,000 trees②the Southeast A...
The Amazon rainforest is important to the earth. There are thousands of animals, birds and trees in the rainforest. During the day, the sun shines through the trees and plants. The sunlight is so strong that many things lose their homes. We must do our best to protect the Amazon Rain...
South America - Amazon Rainforest, Guianan Shield, Biodiversity: The most diverse community is found in the Amazonian and Guianan forests, where the abundance of water and trees makes life easy. Rivers are the realm of large numbers of invertebrates and
poison frogPoison frog, native of the Amazon rainforest of South America.(more) Amazonian forests constitute an environment to which most animals responded by becoming arboreal. Tree frogs can move across the surface of the leaves thanks to adhesive pads on their feet; lizards have very elongated...
Read about the Amazon Rainforest and the animals living there, on our page here or find out more about animals in Brazil or Chile.18. Main natural resources in South America are minerals such as iron ore (which is used to make steel) or copper and agricultural produce such as corn, ...
A war with Ecuador in 1941 over borders wasn’t resolved until 1998 when Peru agreed to allow Ecuador access to the Amazon rainforest in exchange for keeping control over the land. In 2001 Peru elected its first Native Indian President, Alejandro Toledo. The country has become one of the ...
The Amazon lays claim to many world records with documented animals of tremendous size such as a catfish larger than a man. The surrounding rainforest is home to more than 2000 unique species of animal. There’s the Capybara, which is the world’s largest rodent. The giant anteater also ...