Convert other quantities from South African Rand to Chinese Yuan Renminbi ZAR Convert CNY 1 ZAR = 0.38801 CNY 1 CNY = 2.57723 ZAR Back to the conversion of ZAR to other currencies Other amounts - From ZAR to CNY Convert 1 ZAR to CNY Convert 20 ZAR to CNY Convert 50 ZAR to CNY Conve...
Convert other quantities from South African Rand to Chinese Yuan Renminbi ZAR Convert CNY 1 ZAR = 0.38825 CNY 1 CNY = 2.57564 ZAR Back to the conversion of ZAR to other currencies Other amounts - From ZAR to CNY Convert 60 ZAR to CNY Convert 140 ZAR to CNY Convert 350 ZAR to CNY Co...
The currency calculator will convert exchange rate of South African rand (ZAR) to Azerbaijani manat (AZN). ZAR - South African rand AZN - Azerbaijani manat 10 ZAR = 0.95 AZN 50 ZAR = 4.76 AZN 100 ZAR = 9.52 AZN 250 ZAR = 23.79 AZN 500 ZAR = 47.58 AZN 1,000 ZAR = 95.17 AZN...
Our exchange rate API offers real-time, accurate, and reliable data for hundreds of currencies. Xe's proprietary rates are sourced directly from financial data providers and reputable banks. Learn more GET{"from":USD,"to":{"CAD":1.260046,"CHF":0.93305...
South African Rand currency subunit:cent, 1 cent = 1/100 South African Rand Central Bank:South African Reserve Bank India Currency: Indian Rupee Indian Rupee (INR)is the currency used in India. Indian Rupee currency symbol:Rs. Indian Rupee coins available:5, 10, 25 & 50 paise, 1, 2, ...
The South African rand, which is abbreviated ZAR, is the national currency of South Africa. Eswatini, Lesotho, and Namibia also peg their currencies to the rand. When the rand was introduced in 1961, its value was linked to the price of gold. After the end of apartheid, the rand's val...
South African Rand USD - US Dollar Our currency rankings show that the most popular US Dollar exchange rate is the USD to USD rate. The currency code for US Dollars is USD. The currency symbol is $. US Dollar Manage your currencies on the go with the Xe app ...
Currency conversion rates from Chinese Yuan to South African Rand today Tue, 28 Jan 2025: convert from Chinese Yuan to South African Rand and also convert in a reverse direction. Rates are based on real time exchange rates. Exchange rates are updated every 15 minutes....
At 1506 GMT, the rand traded at 18.22 against the U.S. dollar, about 1% softer than its previous close. Trump on Saturday demanded that BRICS member countries commit to not creating a new currency or supporting another currency that would replace the dollar or face 100% tariffs. ...
Convert Dollars to South African Rand. USD-ZAR exchange rates with easy to use currency conversion calculator.