which has been trading in south africa for over 60 years has pledged to invest over r12 billion in the next 10 years in manufacturing facilities in south africa, and netflix, pledged almost a billion rand towards the south african creative industry at the recent 4th south africa investment con...
Owing to recent developments and implications inspired by fourth industrial revolution (4IR) technologies in the global manufacturing sector through the Industry 4.0 (I4.0) concept, this study was conducted to discover the impacts of I4.0 and environmental quality on the South African manufacturing sec...
however, concentrates on the societal implications; it looks at the ways in which Generative AI, together with AI more broadly, can address some of South Africa’s most pressing challenges, and discusses how Generative AI can be responsibly harnessed to transform the lives of South African citizen...
The South African insurance industry accounts for 71% of Africa's total premiums and has the third-highest insurance penetration, in the world (15.3%). Since our last survey, the insurance industry has quickly recovered after experiencing difficulties precipitated by the financial crisis. The...
This compares favourably to the estimate of the SCI (2015) of US$344 million even though they had a much smaller sample and based their calculations on estimates of multipliers instead of using economic modelling techniques. The South African trophy hunting industry is, for example, smaller than...
The South American Archaeological Isotopic Database (SAAID) is a comprehensive open-access resource that aggregates all available bioarchaeological stable and radiogenic isotope measurements, encompassing data from human individuals, animals, and plants
The SASA conference is the flagship South African statistics event for statisticians, analytics experts and data scientists from South Africa and abroad. This is a preeminent event on the statistics calendar in South Africa and brings statisticians and d
OELs: Occupational Exposure Limits; RF: reduction factor; SAMI: South African Mining Industry. The selected publications were reviewed, and the advantages and disadvantages of the different adjustment models were compared. Based on this, as well as the practicality and ease of use of the ...
Accordingly, the contents of sulphate, nitrates and chloride were low and similar values have been observed elsewhere in Edo State (Ogbeibu and Anagboso2004; Imoobe and Koye2011; Ekhator et al.2011; Anyanwu2012). According to Beauchamp (1953), African Inland waters are generally deficient in...
Southern African Middle Stone Age Still Bay Point Production The Kimberly example is rich and detailed, especially regarding aspects of its more recent history. But, can the socio-technical framework also be useful in thinking through aspects of point-production instances with greater time depth where...