Mixed with over a dozen African languages for two centuries, spiced by imports from European colonies, South African English has its own rich, varied and weird flavour.
Owing to recent developments and implications inspired by fourth industrial revolution (4IR) technologies in the global manufacturing sector through the Industry 4.0 (I4.0) concept, this study was conducted to discover the impacts of I4.0 and environmental quality on the South African manufacturing sec...
Reference Work Entry Dictionary of Gems and Gemology pp 376-376 Gemmological Society of South Africa Get Access Federation of South African Gem & Mineralogical Societies.You are viewing the full contentReference Work Entry Metrics Provided by Bookmetrix Reference tools Export citation Add to ...
The UPDF, which has received extensive American training through its participation in the African Union Mission in Somalia and the anti-Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) Operation Lightning Thunder, consists of five divisions with one armored brigade and one brigade of artillery. President Museveni rest...
Other notable words: Africanized bee, erectile dysfunction, gene therapy, Kwanzaa, physician's assistant, Tourette's syndrome From 1969 to 1971, the U.S. governmentsprayed 20 million gallonsof herbicides and defoliants includingAgent Orangeover vast areas of South Vietnam and neighboring regions dur...
The National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP) records weight and height and assesses overweight-obesity patterns in English children using body mass index (BMI), which tends to underestimate body fatness in South Asian children and overestimate body fatness in Black children of presumed African ethnic...
We ask: ‘What can the experiences and perspectives of South African children in care during lockdown tell us about the themes we should focus on to improve care moving forward? We focus on children’s experience of the lockdown as well as COVID-19; their concerns as well as the ...
N.M.Musehane,professoratM.E.R.MathivhaCentreforAfricanLanguages,ArtsandCulture,SchoolofHumanandSocial Sciences,UniversityofVenda. 1 724 T HE O R Y A N D P RA C T IC E O F L A N G U A G E T E A C H IN G AN D L E A R N IN G tPract ice,,is defi ned by t ...
recommendationswillbemadetoassiststakeholdersin language-in-educationpolicyformulation. Keywords. "theory,practice,language,teachingandlearning,primaryschools Introduction Beforeoneembarksonaresearchofthismagnitude,itwouldbeappropriatetodefinethemainconceptsto elucidatethemeaningofthestudy.TheLongmanDictionaryofContemporary...
The paper argues that the South African approach at present faces the same challenges faced by American courts under the previous grid system of sentencing. The submission argues that the South African approach to sentencing Nyaope users should reflect the principle of fairness and not use an ...