The programmes can include South African and world history documentaries, current political debates, book discussions, contemporary South African life documentaries, creative arts seminars, and entrepreneurship seminars, elections around the world, wildlife and science documentaries, how-to-get-into-university...
This article will follow such an approach, taking as an example the regula-tions that aimed to control the African population; these measures were at thevery heart of Native Policy, since without them it would not have been possible torealise the desired distribution of the labour force, or ...
representing diverse political and theological perspectives, we unanimously reject these claims. We make this statement as white South Africans because these claims are being made about us and our experience in this place. The narrative presented by the U.S. government is founded on fabrications, di...
It was “designed” by a cabal of 15 economists, 2 from the World Bank and the rest from big South African banks and conservative think tanks. Typically the language was one we are all now heartily sick of: “greater labour market flexibility”, “foreign direct investment”, “sound ...
He said MWA-SA was working within the labour space by engaging the labour federations like South African Federation of Trade Unions (Saftu), Congress of South African Trade Unions (Cosatu), and other federations within the Sadc region to create migrants desks in their affiliates to facilitate th...
This needs to be understood within African culture where childbearing in women is highly valued. Although poverty per se does not inevitably result in depression, experiences of living in poverty stricken conditions interrelate in a vicious cycle which impact on mental health status, childcare and ...
The South African landscape is thus able to provide its own unique insights into a nation with a history of racial discrimination and a legacy of male patriarchy. In assessing the retirement savings of individuals within the South African landscape, it was found that Black women were the least ...