(2018). Sexual activity and healthcare-seeking behaviour: A cross-sectional study of older adults in an HIV- endemic South African setting. Southern African Journal of Demography, 18, 7–57. Google Scholar Nyirenda, M., Sukazi, S., Buthelezi, C., & Hanass-Hancock, J. (2023). “A...
Recognizing the gap in the desired public health care objectives, such as preventing mother to child transmission of HIV and the lived experiences of young women living with HIV, this qualitative exploratory research was conducted in two South African Townships. The purpose was to explore the ...
Default Stats SA Report Shows No HIV Epidemic In South Africa (Anita Allen article)(diabetes tuberculosis influenza cancer pneumonia)The number of reported deaths from all causes (natural and unnatural) increased 57% from 318 287 in 199...
Conclusions: This study provides insight into women's sexual behaviour in a rural South African region. There are important differences in sexual behaviour by age group and ethnicity and HIV status; these should be taken into account when designing tailor-made prevention packages. Keywords: Sexual ...
Semantic Scholar statssa.gov.za medbox.org 相似文献Morbidity and Mortality According to Latest CD4+ Cell Count among HIV Positive Individuals in South Africa Who Enrolled in Project Phidisa Background Short-term morbidity and mortality rates for HIV positive soldiers in the South African National De...
HIV clades from a large sequence dataset of southern African HIV sequences (n = 15,332). Each clade was characterized using phylodynamic and phylogeographic methods to infer their growth through time and space. The estimated date of origin for the 18 clades that were found, fell between ...
Southern African countries have the largest global burden of HIV and syphilis, with a high prevalence among women of reproductive age. Although antenatal screening is standard of care, syphilis screening has generally lagged behind HIV screening. We aime
(Sobel z =-2.80,p = 0.005). Overall, compared to young people diagnosed with HIV before the pandemic, young people diagnosed during the pandemic reported higher self-esteem and lower anticipated stigma, an effect mediated by higher levels of family social support. Our findings add to the...
South African National Department of Health. 2019 ART clinical guidelines for the management of HIV in adults, pregnancy, adolescents, children, infants and neonates. 2019. Sahay S, Reddy KS. Optimizing adherence to antiretroviral therapy. IJMR 2011 D-49. Doi: 10. 4103/097.-5916. 92629. P ...
It is a descriptive epidemiological study in which the exposure and stroke disease status of the South African sub-population was determined at a given point in time. The study design chosen was aimed at attaining immediate knowledge and information about predictors of stroke. Confirmation of stroke...