States with permitless carry laws, sometimes called constitutional carry laws, operate on the honor system. They presume that citizens know when the law prohibits them from having a gun and will only carry one legally. Once a state moves to permitless carry, it keeps its state permit process...
Over the past ten years, South Dakota’s gun laws have undergone notable changes, reflecting the state’s commitment to upholding Second Amendment rights while addressing evolving perspectives on public safety. From concealed carry to background checks, these developments underscore South Dakota’s dedi...
High-crime South Africa tests tighter gun lawsLaurie Goering
coming into contact with the spark, and igniting a stream of fire that can reach quite a long way. According to South African laws in place at the time of the Blaster's invention, the system was completely legal as long as the perpetrators of the carjacking were the only ones who got ...
firearms lawGun lawsThe Australian common law on extended common purpose has been relatively settled for the past three decades. However, in the face of a 2012 murder in South AustToole, KelliePlater, DavidSocial Science Electronic Publishing...
Last year,seven women and three men – all from the same family– were fatally shot outside the South African city of Pietermaritzburg in KwaZulu-Natal, police said. The youngest victim was a 13-year-old boy.
Domestic laws in South Africa are guided by and mirror international laws such as the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, 1989 (CRC) and regional laws such as the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child, 1990 concerning care and protection of children (includ...
Amendments to three data privacy laws in Korea and the implicationsBy Kwang-Wook Lee, Helen H. Hwang, Chulgun Lim and Keun Woo Lee of Yoon & Yang ... The Gig Economy: A challenge to conventional labour lawBoth employers and workers should pay attention to the issues ... Cryptocurrency re...
We need to develop a kind of civic education class/module where the South African Constitution, particularly the Bill of Rights, becomes part of the school curriculum. This would mean that by the time a South African matriculates, they should hopefully know the constitution very well. Imagine ...
The eight largest Eurozone States, a minority of the 17, can therefore establish this Stability Mechanism, while other Eurozone States that may need assistance from it badly are excluded. How then can this be a Stability Mechanism “for the euro area as a whole”, as Article 136 TFEU, which...