What makes the Africanis unique is that the dog is a mainly a result of natural, not human, selection. Unlike Western dog breeds, whose bodies have been artificially shaped by thearbitraryandsometimes cruelstandards of theKennel Clubs, Africanis dogs are healthy and valued only for their useful...
Mid-America Boerboels is a breeder of South African Boerboel puppies in Nashville, IL. Click here to see our available puppies.
CITIZEN CANINE: DOGS IN THE MOVIES CITY PERSONIFIED CJ Constantinou CJ Dunning Claes Bang Clair Catherine Clair Gleave Claire Goose Claire Leona Apps Claire Rushbrook CLAPBOARD JUNGLE: SURVIVING THE INDEPENDENT FILM B Clara McGregor Clara Paget Clare Almond Clare-Louise English ...
Direct evidence of many infectious diseases is difficult to recover from the archaeozoological record, although the identification of tick vectors, such as the brown dog tick (Rhipicephalus sanguineus), in mummified dogs in Egypt (Hutchet et al.2013), or of a range of parasites in dog coprolit...
An assignment test, fixation index values, gene flow and genetic distance values indicated a closer genetic association between the Africanis and Saluki breeds than with dogs of Western origin. This finding supports archaeological evidence that the endemic Africanis breed was introduced from the Middle...
(Breeds) an English breed of sheep with short wool and a greyish-brown face and legs [C18: so called because it was originally bred on the South Downs] Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006...
Mixed with over a dozen African languages for two centuries, spiced by imports from European colonies, South African English has its own rich, varied and weird flavour.
Although a hypoallergenic dog does not exist, some breeds are less troublesome than others. They create less dander than some other dogs, have hair that is more like human hair, and do not shed. As a result, they are the perfect pets for those who have allergies to pet fur and hair. ...
Large dogs dream longer Pixabay Large dogs dream longer Similar to humans, dogs go through several sleep cycles throughout their snooze sessions. Studies show that while small dogs dream more frequently,larger breeds dream for longer periods of time. ...