“南非钻石”翻译成英语是什么?急!我查到的是:South Africa Diamond 或 South African Diamond哪个对呢?还是都不对?请高人给指点一下. 答案 South Africa's diamond 或者 the diamond from South Africa.前者会简单明了些.可以参照以下句子,你就知道前者OK!South Africa's official gateway - investment,travel,...
The South African Diamond Fields; A Practical Matter-Of-Fact Account 作者:Hornsby, A. H. 页数:24 ISBN:9781235234408 豆瓣评分 目前无人评价 评价:
The South African diamond mines, and a journey to the minesMorton, William J
A DIAMOND of fine quality was found in January by Jacobus Jonker in South Africa in the Elandsfon-tein alluvial diggings on a tributary of the Pienaars River, near the Premier diamond mine and northeast of Pretoria. The weight is given as 726 carats (145-2 gin.)....
Southstone Minerals Limited is a Canadian junior mining company. Southstone holds the majority interest in the Oena Diamond Mine, an alluvial diamond property located in the Northern Cape Province, South Africa that produces on average diamonds valued in excess of USD 1600 per carat with significant...
The consolidation of the De Beers Mining Company and the Kimberley Central Mining Company in March 1888 resulted in the creation of De Beers Consolidated Mines Limited, the company which since then has monopolized diamond mining not only in South Africa but all over the world. This article recoun...
The 1867 discovery of diamonds by Europeans in South Africa accelerated the imperialist 'scramble for Africa'. 1 A global stampede headed for the diamond fields, including large numbers of Jews from everywhere in the Diaspora. 2 Immediately, if not sooner, the diverse population of Jews seemed ...
More company news|Submit LivingfactsWho or what is designing your research brief? 12 hours Scan DisplaySustainable exhibits made easy 12 hours The Hive GroupThe Hive Group becomes first African agency to sponsor MarTech Summit Berlin 13 hours ...
According to Mamphela Ramphele, a former managing director of the World Bank and a former chair of Gold Fields Limited (a major South African gold mining company), the crisis in the platinum fields is exacerbated by the ANC’s alliance with the NUM, a relationship that is manifest in an NU...