South Africa is currently celebrating the success of its new constitution. The final draft of the document has only recently been ratified by the country's constitutional Assembly. After turmoil, uncertainty and years of struggle, the nation is now experiencing a democratic birth.;This thesis ...
For perhaps too long, the conventional wisdom has been that the best can come only from abroad; meaning Europe and America. From the perspective of constitutional law, theSouth African Constitutiondid more than just provide a clean break with the past. It provided a modern constitution which suc...
(Klare 1998), the notion of a constitutional dialogue, and an interpretation of amongst others the horizontal application of rights, the justiciability of socio-economic rights, the 'rules of standing' in the South African Constitution (s 38) and the phrase 'access to...' This enables us ...
The South African Constitution, one of the most progressive in the world, contains many important protections such as the rights to equality, housing, and education. The Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Law (BEE) was designated to address the economic inequities of apartheid. South Africa's...
South African journal on human rightsJohannessen 1994 SAJHR Johannessen L "Freedom of expression and information in the new South African constitution and its compatibility with international standards" 1994 SAJHR 216-239Johannessen, Lene `Freedom of Expression and Information in the New South African ...
The South African Multidimensional Poverty Index looks at how poverty reveals itself in people’s health, their level of education, the dwelling they live in, how they cook their food, the water they drink … Infographic: Exploring poverty in South Africa’s provinces ...
(CAR) earlier this month took many by surprise, not least because of the president’s failure to inform parliament of the deployment and the costs involved as he is required to do by the South African constitution (Johannesburg Star, January 8; for the intervention in the CAR, see Terrorism...
TheDemocratic Alliance, South African’s principle opposition party, has brought suit seeking a declaration a policy of the African National Congress, the nation’s ruling party, is “inconsistent with the Constitution. . . and the Public Service Act” and hence invalid. ...
Interpretation and international law in South African courts: The Supreme Court of Appeal and the Al Bashir saga. Afr. hum. rights law j. The South African Constitution is regarded as an international-law friendly constitution. Much has been written about the willingness ofSouth African court......
Gerhard T?temeyerMember of the Department of Political StudiesPolitikonTotemeyer G 1985: `Legitimacy and viability: a critical analysis of the new South African Constitution (Act no 110 o f 1983) with special emphasis on local government' Politikon 12(2):56-66...