Register your .za domain in South Africa. Our company provides domain name registration for the .za extensinon from South Africa along with other international domain extensions.
You can set up your own email and hundreds more for the employees of your company. You get all these great features free when you secure your domain with our Internet domain registration services. So don't wait any longer. Use the domain registration lookup tool to find your perfect domain...
© 2024 KPMG Services Proprietary Limited, a South African company with registration number 1999/012876/07 and a member firm of the KPMG global organization of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Limited, a private English company limited by guarantee. All rights reserved. ...
Sir, it would be appreciated if you could assist the South African Dental Association by publishing this letter for the information of dental practitioners working overseas. The Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA), the statutory body, recently published a press release announcing ...
and whether an external company registration obligation, as provided for the in South African Companies Act, 2008, could be triggered. Furthermore, unfortunately, the visa option does not extend to freelance and other self-employed persons who constitute a significant portion of the remote working ...
In South Africa since 2012, CIPC Company Registration Online Fees, Business Advisory And Accounting Services Are Provided for Foreigners
While the vaccine is known globally as Sinopharm, it will be referred to as MC Pharma in South Africa as international companies have to use a local company when applying to SAHPRA for authorization of their vaccine. SAHPRA has also registered the Pfizer vaccine shot Comirnaty, which was initi...
Take She Leads Africa for example. It is an entrepreneurial incubator aimed at advancing female entrepreneurship on the African continent and the diaspora. This community helps young African women achieve their professional dreams through engaging online content and organizes pan-African events like ...
6. Company registration packages 7. Pastel sales & support Dryk Investments (Pty) Ltd provides the following services: 1. Short term insurance 2. Life insurance and assurance 3. TripTrack electronic logbook dealer Entrepreneur SA: Providing potent entrepreneurship tips, morning rituals and daily hab...
6. Company registration packages 7. Pastel sales & support Dryk Investments (Pty) Ltd provides the following services: 1. Short term insurance 2. Life insurance and assurance 3. TripTrack electronic logbook dealer Entrepreneur SA: Providing potent entrepreneurship tips, morning rituals and daily hab...