De Villiers, G T
Water crisis in South Africa: Are we making progress? Issued by SAICA6 Nov 2023 6 Nov 2023 Under the global development goals agreed to in 2015, government has pledged to provide access to clean water and sanitation for all by 2030. Speaking on behalf of the South African Institute of ...
The water sector in South Africa is faced with numerous challenges, among which include; increased flooding and prolonged droughts caused by increased clim
This paper aims to evaluate the threats to the soil and water resources of South Africa. These resources are vital in ensuring sustainable food production. Physically, wind and water erosion, structural decay, subsoil compaction and soil surface crusting are of great concern. Chemically, ...
Busari, O. 2009 "Groundwater use in parts of the Limpopo Basin, South Africa, the 3rd International Conference on Energy and Development", in Pardalos, P., Mastorakis, N., Mladenov, V., and Z. Bojkovic (eds.) Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Energy and Development - ...
Due to limited water resources, water reuse is pursued as a major component of an overall strategy to optimise water use in South Africa. Progress in South African water reuse research, mainly since 1985, is reviewed. In the field of potable reuse research, the topics addressed are epidemiologi...
The aim of the National Water Resource Strategy developed by the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry as the public trustee of the country's water resources, is to ensure that there is enough water of the right quality for the people of South Africa. This is to be achieved through ...
This paper analyzes water as a social justice issue in South Africa, a nation that has undergone tremendous political and legal transformations over the last fifteen years, but whose population nonetheless continues to suffer from severe inequities in access to freshwater resources. In light of growin...
water policywater qualityIt is approaching two decades since South Africa's democratic transformation introduced a visionary approach to water resources management. The earlier challenges of water law reform have given way to the greater undertaking of implementation. This paper reviews progress in ...
The historical patterns of access to water and other areas of public service delivery in South Africa have been markedly skewed. Despite the reversal of the regime and the fact that South Africa is a middle-income country, there are a significant number of people who are water- poor and poor...