South AfricaStandard treatment guidelinesThe South African (SA) public health system has employed an Essential Medicines List (EML) with Standard Treatment Guidelines (STGs) in the public sector since 1996. To date no studies have reported on the process of selection of essential medicines for SA...
Thenew guidelineslay the foundation for the management ofmental health conditionsfor women using maternity care services. But without the proper resources in place, they won't translate into effective care at the clinical coalface and there is a high probability that they will remain a paper exerc...
South Africa Tackles Secretive Party Funding With Law, but Still Allows Anonymous Donors More Reuters FILE PHOTO: South African President Cyril Ramaphosa visits the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) treatment facilities at the NASREC Expo Centre in Johannesburg, South Africa ...
Africa is home to 55 countries, an ancient and complex history, modern cities, some 3,000 languages and over a billion people. From Algeria to Zimbabwe, here’s a snapshot of each country on a continent you need to know more about.
The patient, prior to this operation, had sought treatment in multiple cardiovascular centers in France and Sweden. However, due to the complexity of their aortic arch lesion and the high risks associated with open surgery, no suitable treatment solution had been found. Eventually, the patient arr...
In South Africa four HRQOL and five adherence studies (non-longitudinal) were published. Similar factors (socio-demographic, socio-economic, disease-related, therapy-related and psycho-social aspects) affect HRQOL and adherence. Although standard TB treatment improved all health domains, psychological ...
The trend toward personalized nutrition has gained significant momentum in South Africa, particularly among individuals with gut-related medical conditions where generic treatment approaches have proven less effective. This has led to increased demand for specialized nutritional products, with multivitamins and...
The first priority in developing countries is to ensure that basic medical services are established and maintained [4]; the need for specialised forms of treatment such as cell-based therapies is therefore questioned [5]. This is exemplified in South Africa by the resources required to manage ...
South Africa. WESTERN CAPE: 3218 (Clanwilliam): Near Eendekuil, western foot of Piekenierskloof Pass (-DB), 28 Aug 2009, Magee, Boatwright, Manning and Goldblatt 161 (NBG, PRE, K, BOL). 3319 (Worcester): Tulbagh (-AC), Sep 1919, Bolus 16734 (BOL); roadside near Gouda (-AC), ...