The Relationship between Political Administration and Good Governance in South Africadoi:10.31920/2516-5305/2023/20n1a9SOUTH AfricaAFRICAN National CongressNEW public managementPUBLIC administrationPUBLIC officersCIVIL serviceLOCAL governmentCITIES & townsPolitics and administration...
“The United States needs South Africa as much as we need it in the formation of AGOA, and mutually acceptable trade deals that benefit both economies must be developed,” says Kapdi, adding that AGOA sits at the heart of USA economic and investment policy in the Africa, ...
The 2.1-2.0 Ga Transamazonian orogen in South America can be well correlated with the 2.1-2.0 Ga Eburnean orogen along the western margin of West Africa. Both the orogens are characterized by early tangential tectonics, marked by large-scale thrusts and sinistral strike-slip faults, followed by...
Clark JL. Exploring the Relationship Between Climate Change and the Decline of the Howieson's Poort at Sibudu Cave (South Africa). In: Clark JL, Speth JD, editors. Zooarchaeology and Modern Human Ori- gins: Human Hunting Behavior during the Later Pleistocene Vertebrate Paleobiology and Paleo...
Office Johannesburg, South Africa Raylene is a professionally registered scientific practitioner with the South African Council of Natural Sciences. We welcome her 20 years’ experience as a technical expert in strategy formulation, sustainable infrastructure design, with a focus on process optimisation ...
This study investigates the causal relationship between poverty reduction and foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows in South Africa using time-series data from 1980 to 2014. A trivariate framework is used in this analysis, with the addition of real gross domestic product (GDP) as an intermittent...
Furthermore, the close relationship between the agencies and the capital market makes it hard for them to objectively and scientifically evaluate credit risks, and in some cases, their misjudgments have even sparked crises. After some research, economist Carmen Reinhardt from Harvard Kennedy School co...
According to Mamphela Ramphele, a former managing director of the World Bank and a former chair of Gold Fields Limited (a major South African gold mining company), the crisis in the platinum fields is exacerbated by the ANC’s alliance with the NUM, a relationship that is manifest in an NU...
new infrastructure and housing expendituresproved too steep and necessitated a government bailout. African cities face a plethora of problems but they also hold the potential to improve countless lives. AsSouth Americashares stark similarities in its history with that ofAfrica, it could provide both ...
Far from falling into decline with the departure of one of its founder members the Commonwealth has gone from strength to strength, playing an active role in political, economic and cultural affairs on the world stage. The reunion of a truly democratic post‐apartheid South Africa with the ...