2014年诺曼底酒庄艾森与维荣红葡萄酒 2014 Normandie Est 1693 Eisen Viljoen, Franschhoek Valley, South Africa年份全部年份 2017 2014 2010国内市场参考价:¥549 (2014年份) 产区 南非» 西开普省 » 海岸产区 » 弗兰谷 品种红葡萄混酿 风味特征黑莓 香草 雪茄盒 紫罗兰酒款综述 这是一款来自南非西开普...
南非South Africa>斯特兰德 Stellenbosch 酿酒葡萄: 梅洛西拉赤霞珠 酒款年份: 2009年 国内市场参考价: ¥暂无价格信息 酒款综述OVERVIEW 关于“科伦荷干红葡萄酒(Koelenhof Wynkelder, Stellenbosch, South Africa) ”的酒款综述 这是一款来自南非西开普省产区的红葡萄酒。
Ethnopharmacology of human immunodeficiency virus in south Africa minireview. African j biotechnol. 2006; 5 :1693–1699.Bessong, P.O. & Obi, C.L. (2006) Ethnopharmacology of human immunodeficiency virus in South Africa- a minireview. Afr. J. Biotech., 5, 1693-1699....
Voted the best 5 star hotel in South Africa in 2021 and it’s easy to see why. I stayed in what the hotel called a “Junior Suite” however there was nothing junior about the room. You could easily seat 4 people for a private meal with a separate washroom from t...
查看景点旅游详情 -8℃/3℃ 晴东北风 微风 风向情况:东北风 风力等级:微风 总降水量:0.0mm 相对湿度:73% 日出时间:7:23 日落时间:17:1236小时天气预报11:10发布 今天夜间-8℃部分多云西北风 3-4级 明天白天-4℃冷西北风 3-4级 明天夜间-12℃冷西北风 微风...
sbhowa952415 Randburg, South Africa 1 Reviewed December 19, 2021 Anniversary celebration Overall stay was amazing but the room service was poor. For a 5 star place like this, the room service was terrible. They took too long to clean the room and always forgot to repla...
关于“诺曼底酒庄艾森与维荣红葡萄酒(Normandie Est 1693 Eisen Viljoen, Franschhoek Valley, South Africa) ”的酒款综述 这是一款来自南非西开普省的红葡萄酒,采用红葡萄混酿酿造而成。 本酒款酿酒葡萄资料ABOUT GRAPE 红葡萄混酿(Red Blend)红葡萄混酿(Red Blend)并不特指某一种葡萄品种,葡萄酒的法律法规中也...
Cross-cultural adaptation of the Paediatric-Oral-Health-Quality-of life-Questionnaire in South-Africa: Pilot projectY. KOLISA
Clays have been used in southern Africa as photoprotectants by the indigenous people. Typically, two types of clay are used: one white in colour and the other red. In this work, the two clays were identified and characterized, and their in vitro SPF values measured. The clays afford a ...