South Africa's second-largest language, isiXhosa is also known as the Southern or Cape Nguni, and is closely related to isiZulu, the most common home language in the country. It is spoken mainly in the former Transkei, Ciskei and Eastern Cape regions. ...
South Africa is known for its diversity in cultures, languages, and religious beliefs. Eleven official languages are recognised in the constitution. English is the most commonly spoken language in official and commercial public life; however, it is only the fifth [source] ...
1South Africa has 12 official languages; the country’s official name in each language is provided in parentheses: Afrikaans (Republiek van Suid-Afrika); English (Republic of South Africa); Ndebele (IRiphabliki yeSewula Afrika); Pedi (Rephaboliki ya Afrika-Borwa); Sotho (Rephaboliki ya Af...
South Africa is the Rainbow Nation, a title that captures the country's cultural and ethnic diversity. The population of South Africa is one of the ...
Template:Refimprove South African slang, reflects many different linguistic traditions found in South Africa. This list of "Afrikanerisms" (referred to as "funagalore" - not to be confused with the created language Fanagalo which was used in the mines of
In South Africa English might be the language of business and the locals speak English usually very well, but you will be taken by surprise when you hear some of thetypical South African slang words which are sprinkled in every communication of South Africans.Here are the most frequently encoun...
The name was coined by University of KwaZulu-Natal expert Johan Gallant, from “Africa” and “canis”, the Latin for dog.Afrikaans (noun) –South African language, developed out of the Dutch spoken in the country since the first Dutch East India Company settlement in the Cape, established ...
Around 5 811 547 people use Afrikaans as their home language in South Africa. The language is also spoken in the Republic of Namibia as well as by some South Africans living and working in the United Kingdom, USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. ...
LANGUAGE STANDARDIZATIONEMPOWERMENTCOMMUNICATIONPSYCHOLOGI-CAL FACTORlt;pgt;Abstract: During the last 15 years, the lexicographic scene in South Africa changed drastically as many new dictionaries for the African languages were compiled. The different dictionary types and publication modes discussed in this ...
Apartheid was a policy in South Africa that governed relations between the white minority and nonwhite majority during the 20th century. Formally established in 1948, it sanctioned racial segregation and political and economic discrimination against nonw