This article, based on biographical narratives of black women leaders in South Africa, examines the idea of using multiple metaphors to expand creativity in respect of leadership. Metaphor is both a tool for shaping perspectives as well as site for constructing meaning (through paradox and oxymoron...
Intersectionality underpins this qualitative study, which explores nine Black Millennial women’s teaching experiences in universities in South Africa. The findings suggest that these women’s experiences are influenced by the kind of university in which they teach. The narratives showed how Millennial ...
her script, mispronouncing Madagascar as 'Madagal,' or berating Sudan and the Central African Republic as ‘weaker states' with flimsy democracies, summing up a treacherous evening when, once again, a black woman had been weaponized not only against her own country but against continental Africa....
Newly married Black womenextended familytownshipSouth Africaphenomenologicalin-depth interviewsWe report the results of a phenomenological study on the experiences of newly married black women staying with extended family in South African townships. Our goals for the study included in-depth interviews on...
Ntsiki Biyela, South Africa's first Black female winemaker, opens up about building her company, Aslina Wines, crafting the perfect wine pairings, and breaking industry stereotypes.
black consumerismurban modernityself-representationnegotiating identityGrace and The Townships Housewife, two black women's magazines published in South Africa between 1964 and 1969, have slipped into obscurity. In what follows, I reassess their role in the history of the black popular press in ...
In a series of 210 black women aged 25-45 years in a village in Eastern Transvaal, South Africa, 40 (19.0%) were obese, having a Body Mass Index (kg/m2) of 30 or more. Mean triceps skinfold was 23.5 mm; in 10 (25%) it was 25 mm or more) Hypertension (greater than or equal...
The shifting image of black women’s hair in Tshwane (Pretoria), South Africadoi:10.1080/23311886.2018.1471184blackhairwomenTshwaneshiftingPretoriaracismIn this article, we explore the motivations for the changing image of black South African women's hair in Tshwane, Pretoria. We argue that black ...
CNBC Africa’s Sally Sithole caught up with Dimitri Kokinos, Asset and General Manager at Sandton City.